"The world is blue" Yves Klein
While feeding my "design porn" addiction & practicing French with the magazine, Côte Ouest, I found a feature focused on the use of a bold ultramarine. It was a lovely tribute to the artist Yves Klein adroitly created in wallpapers by Pierre Frey SA.
Yves Klein was only 34 when he died in 1963. However, he left a lasting mark: as a forerunner of pop art; as a pioneer of performance art; and, as the creator & registrar of the color International Klein Blue ... a color which according to the artist has no dimensions.
This intense ultramarine foreshadowed in his own art - such as the pop classic, blue Nike of Samothrace or his performance canvases, Big Blue Anthropometry & Princess Helena - has also crossed over into fashion and interior design. Unlike most blues known for calming qualities, International Klein Blue is lively & electric ... a fabulous foil for the monotony that can be neutral.